Construction Paper Sculptures

These construction paper sculptures are an easy, at-home art project appropriate for kids 5-6 years of age.

What you will need:
– Construction Paper
– Scissors
– Glue Sticks


1. Cut colored Construction Paper into 1 1/2-2″ thick strips and create a pile of them on an appropriate workspace that you don’t mind getting a bit of glue on.
2. Put aside black construction paper. These will be your base for the construction strips to be glued on top of.
3. Set out glue sticks to glue the paper strips on top of the base.

First, talk to your child about different kinds of lines (wavy, zig-zag, spiral…) and then demonstrate how you can make those lines by folding and bending the paper in different ways. Show how you can also stack the cut strips of paper on top of each other to make the sculpture more dynamic.

It’ll be important to also show how to use the glue stick so things don’t get too messy. You can say something like “Not a lot, just a dot” as you place a dot of glue on the bottom of the construction paper strips “legs” and then press the area covered in glue onto the black paper bases.

Let your child take it away from here. You might be surprised at the discoveries your child will make as they bend, fold and stack the little strips of paper into a whimsical masterpiece.

For further inspiration and learning, you can combine this project by reading a book about lines such as “A Line Can Be” by Laura Ljungkvist or “Lines that Wiggle” by Candace Whitman. If ordering these books online or reserving them from the library is difficult, then there is always the option of watching the books read out loud on YouTube: A Line Can Be & Lines that Wiggle