Nikki McClure at Door No.3


Barter by Nikki McClure

Barter by Nikki McClure

Opening reception Friday, September 6th from 6-8pm

Door No. 3 is proud to feature the work of Olympia, Washington artist Nikki McClure beginning September 6th and continuing through October 2nd with an opening reception Friday, September 6th from 6–8pm.

McClure, a Washington State Book Award winner and a presenter at the Mazama Book Festival on September 8th, will show illustrations from books and pieces from her most recent 2013 calendar.

The intricate paper cuts of Nikki McClure begin as a single sheet of paper which the artist painstakingly cuts with precision to create bold images that celebrates humanity, community and the natural world around us. Her careful use of line to create strong yet graceful designs encourage the viewer to slow down and see the beauty in small things or brief moments in the world around us.

DATE: Opening reception Fri, Sept 6 from 6-8pm; Exhibit: Sept 6– Oct  2. CONTACT: Door No. 3 Print + Book Art Studio,

(Barter by Nikki McClure)



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