Kindergarten Level

Lesson 4: Kindergarten ART at home

The Week of May 4, 2020

Methow Arts has weekly easy, at-home art lessons to do with your student or child. You can find the description of each lesson below along with an image and a list of materials. Click on the title of each lesson to view or print off a PDF version of the lesson. Brought to you by Methow… [Read More]

Lección 4: Spanish Kindergarten ART At-Home

The Week of May 4, 2020

Cada semana  Methow Arts tiene clases fáciles de arte que se puede hacer en casa con su alumno o niño.  Se puede encontrar la descripción de cada lección abajo con una imagen y una lista de materiales.Haga clic en el titulo de cada lección para mirarla o para imprimirla en una versión PDF de la… [Read More]

Lesson 3: Kindergarten ART at home

The week of April 27, 2020

Methow Arts has weekly easy, at-home art lessons to do with your student or child. You can find the description of each lesson below along with an image and a list of materials. Click on the title of each lesson to view or print off a PDF version of the lesson. Brought to you by Methow… [Read More]

Lección 3: Spanish Kindergarten ART at home

The week of April 27, 2020

Cada semana  Methow Arts tiene clases fáciles de arte que se puede hacer en casa con su alumno o niño.  Se puede encontrar la descripción de cada lección abajo con una imagen y una lista de materiales.Haga clic en el titulo de cada lección para mirarla o para imprimirla en una versión PDF de la… [Read More]

Lesson 2: Kindergarten ART At-Home

The Week of April 20, 2020

Methow Arts has weekly easy, at-home art lessons to do with your student or child. You can find the description of each lesson below along with an image and a list of materials. Click on the title of each lesson to view or print off a PDF version of the lesson. Brought to you by… [Read More]

Lesson 1: Kindergarten ART At-Home

The week of April 13, 2020

Methow Arts will be putting together weekly easy, at-home art lessons to do with your student or child. You can find the description of each lesson below along with an image and a list of materials. Click on the title of each lesson to view or print off a PDF version of the lesson. Brought… [Read More]

A Colorful Village!

What’s the worst thing about taking time off from school? Say it with me: SUB PLANS. Well, I thought I’d share a couple of sub plannin’ tips with y’all today along with my most recent sub plan video! Let’s kick it off with that, shall we? My super fabulous sub will be hanging out with… [Read More]

Monochromatic Self-Portrait

From Cassie Stephens,an elementary art teacher from Nashville, Tennessee who makes her art lessons available online as a resource to anyone seeking fun ways to teach art to their students or children. Along with currently creating weekly thematic content for students to participate in online, Cassie has also compiled a list of easy and fun… [Read More]

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