Chris Uphues Inspired Hearts

From Cassie Stephens, an elementary art teacher from Nashville, Tennessee who makes her art lessons available online as a resource to anyone seeking fun ways to teach art to their students or children.


 Hey, friends! A while ago, I created a Chris Uphues-inspired video for my sub to use. Because my classes are either 30 minutes in length or an hour, the video is broken up a bit. For example, as you watch, you’ll see that my 30 minute kids learn about Chris and then do some sketching on dry erase boards before tackling paper. My older kids did this too…and then about 30 minutes in, met on the floor again to view the rest of the video. As I’ve said before, I LOVE having my students sketch on dry erase boards…it’s their favorite because of the slick and forgiving surface. And it’s mine as it uses less frustration and time with erasing and reworking. Here’s that sub video…feel free to use it in your art teacherin’ world. All I ask is that you give credit to lil ole me when you share your student’s work or resources. 

Side Note: Jen and Chris Uphues are some of my most favorite folks on the planet. You’d be hard pressed to find two kinder or more down to earth people. I LOVE introducing them to my kids because I know that these are some seriously AMAZINGLY good people. And I’m super judge-y so you know I’m tellin’ ya’ll the true (insert winky-tongue face emoji). 

Meeting them this fall was one of the highlights of my school year!