A Readers Theater “Battle of the One Acts”

Nov 4-13, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 7pm & Sun 2pm, 2022

Containing 3 One-Act plays; Mere Mortals, Time Flies and The Butleress
Directed by Phil Quevillon

MERE MORTALS eavesdrops on a lunch hour on a girder 50 stories over the street, as three construction workers share increasingly amazing secrets of their past. In TIME FLIES, two lonely but sweet young mayflies meet at a pond and really hit it off. Unfortunately, Horace and May watch a nature program on this first night out and discover they have a lifespan of only one day—and their lives are half over.

TIME FLIES catches up with two lonely but sweet young mayflies who meet at a pond and really hit it off. Unfortunately, Horace and May watch a nature program on this first night out and discover they have a lifespan of only one day—and their lives are half over.

THE BUTLERESS a nicely ridiculous comedy-horror play within a play. Four women meet at the local community theater to rehearse an obscure English mystery-drama. As real life and onstage plot become entangled, it’s clear these are four ladies who are never going to lunch together. Then it gets worse.

DATE: Nov 4-13, Thur/Fri/Sat 7pm, Sun 2pm, Doors open 30 minutes before showing. TICKETS: $10 at-the-door, no advance sales. LOCATION: Merc Playhouse, Twisp, WA. INFO/CONTACT: Visit www.mercplayhouse.org for audition information.