Earth Day Art Activities

Earth day is a great time to grab all of your recycles or gather up nature treasures on a nature walk and turn them into works of art. Check out the following, easy at-home art activities to do with your child as a way to celebrate Earth Day.

To view each lesson, click on the link listed next to the lesson source.

Recycled Paper Flowers
Cut and recycle old magazines and newspapers to make into a spring bouquet.

Source: We Are Teachers

Nature Wind Chimes
Collect flowers, sticks, and leaves on a nature walk and then use wax paper and jar lids to make your nature treasures into beautiful wind chimes.

Source: Hands on as We Grow

Recycled Materials Art Wall
Use a large cardboard backing to glue and mount recycled cardboard items such as egg cartons or paper towel rolls to create your own recycled sculpture.

Source: Art Bar Blog

Nature Mandala
Create a mandala outside with found objects such as rocks, leaves, and flowers.

Source: Playful Learning

Nature Weaving
Weave together an assortment of leaves, sticks, bark, flowers in a loom created out of sticks and yarn.

Source: Craftiments

Gather items such as cardboard, plastic caps, and leaves to create a one-of-kind trash to treasure necklace.

Source: Mini Mad Things

Land Art Activities
Land Art is a site-specific type of art that uses the materials directly related to the location. Students will learn how to arrange leaves by color or create patterns out of rocks.

Source: Artful Parent

3-D Suncatcher
Turn a cardboard box into a beautiful, 3-D suncatcher.

Source: Artful Parent

Nature Wands
Wrap yarn and beads around sticks found outside to make fun & magical wands.

Source: Mini Mad Things

Nature Paintbrushes:
Create paintbrushes out of found material from nature and explore painting with different textures.

Source: Messy Little Monsters