Methow Valley Interpretive Center presents: Conflagration to Transformation

Thurs, Mar 19, 7pm, 2015

Burned Trees_Indian PaintbrushHow does weather come into play to create the biggest firestorm in Washington State history? What can we expect as our surroundings become transformed by this event? Internationally recognized wildland firefighting expert Bill Moody, Okanogan Conservation District’s Leslie Michel and special guest Katherine Rowden of the National Weather Service, sponsored by the Methow Valley Interpretive Center, will lead this presentation on the fascinating forces that affect how we live in the Methow and its environs and what we can expect going into the future.

DATE: Thursday, March 19, 7pm LOCATION: Merc Playhouse, 101 S Glover St, Twisp COST: $10 donation suggested CONTACT: Carolyn Schmekel,